Saturday, January 23, 1897 The Globe (Toronto) Page 15, col. 1

Crushed and scalded.

Three men killed on the Ottawa & Parry Sound.

Engine jumped the track near Barry's Bay—Engineer scalded with escaping steam.

Ottawa, Jan. 22.—Three train-hands on a freight near Barry's Bay, on the Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Railway, met their death last night. The killed are:—

Charles Hutchison, fireman, aged 26, single.

James Casselman, brakeman, aged 45, married.

William Russell, in charge of store car, aged 35, married.

William Taylor, engineer, was scalded about face and hands.

It appears that the train was running along at moderate speed. Just as the siding was reached the engine jumped the track, through what cause is not yet known, though it is surmised that an open switch had to do with the runoff. Two cars were standing on the siding. Into these the engine crashed and was thrown into the ditch, falling upon her side. Several of the cars following upon her side. Several of the cars following were also derailed and overturned.

When Conductor Aris, who was in the van at the rear, reached the engine he found Engineer Taylor groping about the cab, blinded by the scalding steam; and Fireman Charles Hutchison crushed between the engine and the embankment. With the assistance of the train-hands the poor fellow was extricated. He was still conscious and able to speak, but his injuries were of such a nature that he survived his rescue but a few minutes.

Casselman, the forward brakeman of the freight, was also riding in the cab. When the crash came he was thrown over into the embankment and wedged in between the tender and the car following. He lived for an hour or so after being taken out and laid in the van being quite conscious and able to speak a few words to his mates. He died, however, before the first relief arrived.

Russell was badly scalded, but not until he was examined by the doctor at Renfrew tow hours later was the extent of his injuries known. These eventually proved fatal, the patient expiring on the way down to Ottawa.

Railways: O.A. & P.S.Ry.

Stations: Barrys Bay



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