May 1899, No. 15 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 132, col. 3

Surveys, construction, betterments, &c.


Central Ontario.—At the recent session of the Ontario Legislature this Co. was granted a cash subsidy of $3,000 a mile for 21 miles, to assist it in extending from Ormsby, 5 miles from its northern terminus at Coe Hill. Whether the extension will be gone on with this year depends on the action of the Dominion Parliament as to granting a Dominion subsidy. If this be given, we are informed the Co. will immediately start to extend from Ormsby via Bancroft to either Barrys Bay or Whitney, on the Canada Atlantic Ry. The distance from Ormsby to Barry's Bay would be about 60 miles, & to Whitney about 75, Bancroft is about 20 miles from Ormsby, & it is not likely work would be carried beyond there this year. J. D. Evans, Trenton, Ont., is the Co.'s Engineer, & will have charge of the work. G. Collins is General Superintendent & Secretary of the Co. (Feb., pg. 39.)

Railways: C.A.Ry., C.O.Ry.

Stations: Bancroft, Barrys Bay, Coe Hill, Ormsby

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