December 13, 1912 B.R.C. File No. 20855 (Train service at Washago) (Ottawa)

Grand Trunk Railway of Canada

Legal Department

W. H. Biggar, K.C.,

General Counsel

W. E. Foster

Assistant Solicitor

Montréal. Dec. 13th, 1912.

MWP. 13324

A. D. Cartwright, Esq.,

Secretary, Board of Railway Commissioners,

Ottawa, Ont.

Dear Sir:—

File 20855 - Complaint of Mr. J. H. Thomson of Bracebridge in regard to interchange between Grand Trunk and Canadian Northern Railways at Washago.

I enclose copy of letter from Vice-President Kelley, dated 11th inst. together with statement, and copy of letter from Passenger Traffic Manager Davis therein referred to which please treat as this Company's answer to the above complaint.

Yours truly,
W. H. Biggar.


Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Washago



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