February 13, 1913 B.R.C. File No. 20855 (Train service at Washago) (Ottawa)

Canadian Northern Railway System

Legal Department

F. H. Phippen, K.C.

General Counsel

Gerard Ruel

Chief Solicitor

R. H. M. Temple

A. J Ried, K.C.

S. Percy Biggs

Asst. Solicitors

Toronto, February 13th, 1913.

Refer to T/1046-28-86.

A. D. Cartwright, Esq.,

Sec'y., Board of Railway Commissioners,

Ottawa, Ont.

Dear Sir:—

File 20885 - Complaint of J.H. Thompson, Bracebridge.

With reference to your letter of the 28th ult., we advised by our Superintendnet as follows:—

Replying to your memo. of January 298th, file 1046-26-86, re complaint of J.H. Thomson, Bracebridge, passengers from G.T.R. points between Allandale and Washago would likely transfer to the C.N.O., if going south, by going over from Orillia to Brechin or Beaverton, northbound, they would transfer at Washago.

In the case of passengers from G.T.R. points between North Bay and Washago wising to reach the C.N.O., it would depend on their destination as to whether they would transfer at Washago or by going in to Parry Sound by way of Scotia Jct., and James Bay Jct. This would be the route used by a passenger, for instance, from Burk's Falls to Salines, but in any case the amount of traffic that would be going on such a route is so light that it would not justify the changing of any train schedules to take care of it.

As regard transfers of passengers from C.N.O. points to G.T.R., points between Washago and Allandale, a passenger from north of Washago might transfer at Washago. On the other hand, some passengers have been handled from Sudbury and northern points for Orillia and other Grand Trunk points via Brechin. A passenger for Lindsay or Peterboro would likely transfer a Beaverton. A passenger from a C.N.O. point south of Beaverton would likely transfer at Beaverton.

In the case of passengers from C.N.O. points wishing to reach a point on the G.T.R. between Washago and North Bay, the territory is so large that it would depend very much on mileage as to whether they would go in via Scotia Jct., C.P.R. via North Bay, or via Washago. From C.N.O. points south of Washago going north, practically all transfers would be made at Washago.

When Inspector ClarkeRefers to James Clarke, Inspector B.R.C. was here, I explained to him that, with the opening of our line through to Port Arthur and the establishment of through trains, even the present local service will be considerably affected, and this may help out the Washago transfers. In the meantime, I don't think that there is sufficient travel involved to warrant any changes in train schedules. We stop all our present trains at Washago, Brechin and Beaverton, so that, as far as this Company is concerned, passengers have every facility for transfer.

Yours truly,
R.H.M. Temple

Railways: C.No.Ry., G.T.Ry.

Stations: Washago (CNOR)



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