December 4, 1912 B.R.C. File No. 20855 (Train service at Washago) (Ottawa)

Canadian Northern Railway System

Legal Department

F. H. Phippen, K.C.

General Counsel

Gerard Ruel

Chief Solicitor

R. H. M. Temple

A. J Ried, K.C.

S. Percy Biggs

Asst. Solicitors

Toronto, December 4th, 1912.

Refer to T./1046-28-86.

A. D. Cartwright, Esq.

Sec'y, Board of Railway Commissioners,

Ottawa, Ont.

Dear Sir:

With reference to complaint of J. H. Thomson of Bracebridge concerning the service on the G.T.R. and C.N.O.R. at Washago, copy of which was served on our Ottawa Agents on the 8th instant, we are advised by out Superintendent that he has just received a letter from our Agent at Washago, stating that during the next tens days from the time took the matter up with him the transfer of passengers at this point was very light, and there were only about fifteen people (i.e. 1 1/2 per day) who transferred at this point during the the Agent was on duty (he is on all day). These people made connection between our train No. 1 and Grand Trunk trains 64 and 61.

It does not seem to the Company that there would be many people wanting to travel south towards Washago to take our train fro Sudbury.

On the other hand, passengers on our No. 2, due at Washago at 7.08 A.M., can get a Grand Trunk train for Orillia or south at Washago at 7.30.

There is a southbound Grand Trunk due at Washago at 11.29 A.M., which, if it stopped, would connect with our No. 1 northbound, due to leave Washago at 11.45.

Our No. 6 from Sudbury and the north is due a Washgao at 5.57 P.M. Grand Trunk northbound train leaves Washago at 4.53 P.M., and southbound leaves Washago at 3.50 P.M.

Surely the people in this vicinity have no cause for complaint regarding the train service. They were previously dependent entirely on the Grand Trunk, and we give them two daily train - except Sunday - each way, with three each way in the summertime, and extra week-end trains, all of which stop at Washago.

The principal business interchanged at this point has been in connection with people going from Orillia to Ragged Rapids, where the Town of Orillia power plant it. When we get operating into Orillia, we should be able to take care of this business satisfactorily.

Our General Passenger Agent is of the opinion that the complaint undoubtedly covers an isolated case, and does not think we should be required to arrange our service for the accommodation of one man. He states further that he knows of no reason why we should give interchange at Washago consideration.

Needless to say, the arrival and departure of our trains at Toronto establish the time at Washago, which is no doubt the case with the Grand Trunk, and they have many connection to make.

Yours truly,
R.H.M. Temple

Railways: C.No.Ry., G.T.Ry.

Stations: Washago, Washago (CNOR)



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