January 1914, No. 191 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 21, col. 3

Railway development

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Lake Erie and Northern Ry.—Construction on this line between Brantford and Galt, and Brantford and Port Dover, Ont., was suspended Nov. 28. W. P. Kellett, Chief Engineer, subsequently went to Montréal, and on his return stated that arrangements were being made to resume work shortly. The only place where work did not cease was in Brantford at Lorne Bridge. Near this point there is some difference with the city as to the protection of the terrace. G. A. Mountain, Chief Engineer of the Board of Railway Commissioners was in the city, Dec. 10, in consultation with the Chief Engineer and Mr. Kellett on the matter, and a satisfactory understanding was reached. (Dec., 1913, pg. 574.)

Railways: L.E. & N.Ry.



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