May 1913, No. 183 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 220, col. 1

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Lake Erie and Northern Ry.—The location plans for this projected railway from Port Dover on Lake Erie to Brantford, Ont., have been approved by the Board of Railway Commissioners. The route map of the section of the line from Brantford to Galt has been approved by the Minister of Railways, and the locations are before the Board of Railway Commissioners. The location plans for the line through Brantford have recently been the subject of considerable discussion with the City Council, and G. A. Mountain, Chief Engineer, Board of Railway Commissioners, has been making surveys with a view to settling the differences. The contract for the building of the entire line has been let, we are officially advised, to Johnson Bros., Port Hope, Ont., except so far as the steel superstructures for bridges, the station buildings and freight sheds are concerned. A subcontract has been let to P. H. Secord and Son, Brantford, for the masonry on the bridge over the Grand River, Brantford, and the masonry on the line between Brantford and Galt. It was expected that construction work would be started on the line by April 30. (April, pg. 169.)

Railways: L.E. & N.Ry.



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