June 25, 1940 B.R.C. File No. 39310.51 (Tweed Sub. - Yarker to Tweed) (Ottawa)

The Board of Transport Commissioners
for Canada

Canadian National Railways here by applies to the Board under Section 165A of the Railway Act, and all other appropriate statutory provisions, for an order granting it leave to abandon the operation of the following line of railway, namely:—

The Tweed Subdivision between Yarker (Mile 0.00) and Tweed (Mile 33.94), a distance of 33.94 miles in the Province of Ontario.

In support of this application, the applicant submits herewith a statement setting forth a general description of the line, its special industrial relationships, its revenues and expenses for the calendar years 1936, 1937, 1938 and 1939, an analysis of its freight traffic for the same years and a map of the territory through which it runs. It is requested that this matter be set down for hearing at an early date.

A copy of this application and the statement submitted herewith is being sent to the persons named below.

Dated at the City of Montréal this 25th day of June 1940.

I.C. Rand
Commission Counsel.

Copies set to:—

Hon. Mitchell F. Hepburn, Premier of Ontario, Toronto,
Mr. W. S. Wilson, County Clerk, Lennox & Addington, Napanee, Ont.
Mr. E. S. Denyes, County Clerk, Hastings, Belleville, Ont.
Mr. J. R. Hanna Clerk, Township of Camden, Centreville, Ont.
Mr. Wm. E. Carscallen, Clerk, Township of Sheffield, Tamworth, Ont.
Mr. J. E. Cassidy, Clerk, Township of Hungerford, Stoco, Ont.
Mr. Garrett D.C. Morton, Clerk, Town of Tweed, Tweed, Ont.

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Enterprise, Erinsville, Larkins, Marlbank, Moscow, Stoco, Tweed, Yarker



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