Saturday, December 16, 1871 The Daily Globe (Toronto) Page 1, col. 8

Railway meeting.

Woodstock, Dec. 15.—The meeting of parties interested in the proposed railway from Port Dover, on Lake Erie, to Stratford, and thence to Lake Huron, took place here to-day. The attendance was large and influential, and the hall was filled with spectators. The Mayor was appointed Chairman, and Mr. W. Totten, Secretary. The deputation from St. Mary's urged the importance of making that town a point of the project. The delegation from Stratford, of course, intimated that they were present no to argue the question of St. Mary's claims, or to offer resistance to what the gentlemen from that town might advance. They came, they said, to lend a helping hand to the scheme embraced in the notice, and nothing more. The Mayor of Stratford, Mr. McCulloch, Mr. Buckingham and Mr. James Trow dwelt eloquently on the importance of action to supply that great portion of the country lying between Port Dover and the water of Lake Huron with railway facilities. The following resolutions were passed:—Moved by Mr. Parker and seconded by Mr. T. J. Clarke, and resolved, "That in the opinion of this meeting the time has come when efforts should be made to secure additional railway facilities for the town and vicinity, and that it is desirable to obtain a charter from the Government for permission to construct a railway from Port Dover, on Lake Erie, to Woodstock, with power to extend the same to the town of Stratford." Moved by Mr. Oliver, M.P., seconded by Mr. Donald Matheson, and resolved, "That the provisional directors to be appointed consist of three persons from each municipality represented here, with power to add three other persons from each municipality on the line of route." After the general business had been disposed of the meeting broken up.

Railways: Pt.D. & L.H.Ry.



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