Tuesday, August 6, 1850 | The Globe (Toronto) | Page 2, col. 2 |
Legislative Assembly.
Friday—August 2nd.
.. Of George Gurnett, Esquire, Mayor of the City of Toronto, on behalf of the Corporation of the said City, praying that the Charter of the Toronto, Simcoe, and Lake Huron Railroad Company, may be so amended to enable the Corporation of the said City to take out and subscribe for stock, and be represented in the said Company.
.. On motion of Sir Allan McNab, the Petition of the Great Western Railroad Company, praying for an Act to authorize the Company to construct a [illegible] point on the line of Great Western Railroad to theTown of Galt, brought up this day, was received and read and referred to the Standing Committee on Railways and Telegraph Lines.
.. On motion of Mr. Morrison, the engrossed Bill from the Council, intituled, "An Act to amend the Act intituled, "An Act to amend Toronto, Simcoe, and Lake Huron Union Railroad Company,"" was ordered to be read a second time to-morrow. ..
Saturday—3rd August.
.. Sir Allan N. MacNab introduced a Bill to empower the Great Western Railroad Company to make a branch Railroad to the Town of Galt:—second recording Monday next.
On motion of Sir Allan MacNab, the 63rd, 66th, and 71st Rules of the House, in so far as regard the Bill to empower the Great Western Railroad Company to make a branch Railroad to the Town of Galt, were suspended. ..