January 18, 1935 B.R.C. File No. 39310.18 (Tweed Sub. - Tweed to Bannockburn) (Ottawa)

Canadian National Railways

Proposed abandonment

Region - Central Province - Ontario
Division - Belleville From - Tweed
Subdivision - Tweed To - Bannockburn

Distance — 19.5 miles

Period taken for typical analysis of revenues & expenditures Oct. 1930-Sept. 1931

Loss during test period from operation of branch line
50% freight & express $ 5,524
100% pass. & miscellaneous 66 5,590
System loss $ 14,924

1. Present train service

Time-Table Sept. 30th, 1934

11.45 AM Lv. Tweed Ar. 10.25 AM
2.05 PM Ar. Bannockburn Lv. 8.25 AM
(Mixed Train Mondays Only)

Time-Table June 24th, 1934 (Summer Service)

2.00 PM Lv. Tweed Ar. 12.30 PM
3.00 PM Ar. Bannockburn Lv. 11.25 AM
(Mixed Train Mondays Only)

2. Train service in test period

Oct. 1, 1930-June 27, 1931

12.25 PM Lv. Tweed Ar. 10.20 AM
1.45 PM Ar. Bannockburn Lv. 8.25 AM
(Mixed Train Mon., Wed., & Fri.)

June 28, 1931—Sept. 31, 1931 (Mixed Train Monday & Friday)

3. Brief Historical Review

Opened for operation Tweed to Bannockburn - 1903.

Built under charter of - The Napanee, Tamworth and Québec Railway Co. under following statutory authority, Dominion of Canada, Act 42 V. Chap. 67 - 1879.

The Napanee, Tamworth and Québec Railway changed its name in 1890 to the Kingston, Napanee and Western Railway Co., and in 1896 amalgamated with the Bay of Quinte Railway and Navigation Co. to form the Bay of Quinte Railway Co. This latter company was acquired by the Canadian Northern Railway Company in July 1914, control of which passed to the Dominion Government in 1917, and in conjunction with other Government Railways is operated under as part of the Canadian National Railways.

4. Physical characteristics of line to be abandoned

(a) Rail - 70# laid 1903.
(b) Bridge - Extremely light construction
(c) Culverts - Poor
(d) Ballast - Gravel prior to 1922 - poor
(e) Ties - Softwood - all untreated
(f) Max. Grades - Eastbound - 1.23%
- Westbound - 1.23%
(g) Curvature - Maximum 12°45"
(h) Drainage - Poor

Location of line proposed for abandonment is shown coloured Red on the accompanying map.

5. Brief description of territory served.

The territory is in general a mixed farming country, served by good macadmized roads, and a substantial motor truck competition is experienced from trucks operated by farmers as well as by merchants. The principal commodities shipped are pulpwood, livestock, and agricultural products. Tweed is also served by the Canadian Pacific Railway and has regular bus services to Belleville daily. Undoubtedly considerable mining development was anticipated at the time the railway was constructed and put into operation, but this has not materialized to date.

Location Populations
of towns &
Dist. from
nearest rly.
station on
Actinolite - 6.0 Business siding-5 cars. Cheese factory.
Queensboro - 10.0 Business siding-14 cars. Flour mill, 2 cheese factories, 3 iron mines not operating.
Allans - 8.0 Business siding-19 cars. Cheese factory.

6. Statement of revenues and expenses

A - One year October 1930-September 1931

1. Gross C.N.R. Revenues (See Schedule "A" for details by stations

2. Expenses (Out of pocket only)

3. Loss from operation

B - One year 1933

1. Gross C.N.R. Revenues (See Schedule "B" for details by stations

2. Expenses (Out of pocket only)

3. Loss from operation


Station Passenger Freight Express Misc. Total Carload-Traffic-Cars
Commodity In Out
Tweed (Branch traffic only) Livestock 28 -
23 536 10 - 569 28 -
Actinolite Ore - 1
Pulpwood - 9
Bolts - 6
- 1,082 - - 1,082 - 16
Queensboro Feed 8 -
Merchandise 1 -
Bolts - 9
Pulpwood - 32
Potatoes - 2
Cheese - 2
Livestock - 8
140 4,886 422 9 5,547 9 53
Allans Structural steel 6 -
Lumber 1 -
Wire & cable 4 2
Salt 1 -
Tractors 2 1
Merchandise 1 -
Livestock 30 -
Pulpwood 27 -
- 6,506 - - 6,506 15 59
Bannockburn (Branch traffic only) 17 31 3 1 52 - -
Totals 180 13,041 435 10 13,666 52 128
Unallocated 10 10
180 13,041 435 20 13,676 52 128
Estimated additional inward passenger earnings not included above 140 140
320 13,041 435 20 13,816 52 128
Deduct duplication of traffic local to Branch 534 6 540 28
System total 320 12,057 429 20 13,276 52 100
Carload movement by months
1930 1931 Total
Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Tweed (Branch traffic only) In 1 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 - 3 2 28
Out - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Actinolite In - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Out - - - 3 5 2 2 - 2 - 2 - 16
Queensboro In 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 - 2 - - 9
Out 3 1 1 7 15 2 6 2 3 3 7 3 53
Allans In 6 2 4 2 - 1 - - - - - - 15
Out 3 8 5 11 10 6 1 2 5 - 6 2 59
Bannockburn (Branch traffic only) In - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Out - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Totals In 8 7 8 4 4 6 2 3 3 2 3 2 52
Out 6 9 6 21 30 10 9 4 10 3 15 5 128
Grand total 14 16 14 25 34 16 11 7 13 5 18 7 180
Deduct duplication of Carload Traffic Local to the Branch 1 4 3 2 3 4 1 2 3 - 3 2 28
System total 13 12 11 23 31 12 10 5 10 5 15 5 152


Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Actinolite, Allans, Bannockburn, Queensboro, Tweed



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