Thursday, February 24, 1938, Vol. 91, No. 52 The Northern Advance (Barrie) Page 1, col. 5

Can. National harvests over 7,000 tons of ice

The Canadian National completed its ice harvest of Kempenfeldt Bay yesterday. Over 70 men were given employment for nearly a week harvesting the 7,000 tons of ice.

The ice on the bay is reported to be particularly good this year, being very hard and clear. The blocks stored are about 20 by 22 by 18 inches. The cutting was one by power saw after the surface had been cleared of all snow and top roughness. A pulley system conveyed the blocks to the box cars for shipment.

Of the 7,000 tons cut, 2,000 tons are stored in Allandale, 300 tons went to Gravenhurst, 186 to Scotia Junction, 40 to South River, 450 to Parry Sound, 1,100 to Capreol, 125 to Midland, 250 to Fort Erie, 2,000 to Stratford and 150 to Madawaska. The ice is used for water tanks and air conditioning on C.N.R. trains.

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Allandale, Capreol, Fort Erie, Gravenhurst, Madawaska, Midland, Parry Sound, Scotia, South River, Stratford



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