Friday, April 30, 1897, Vol. 46, No. 15 The Newmarket Era Page 3, col. 1

Newmarket depot.

The shippers at Cane's factory had to hustle this week no less than 11 cars of woodenware being shipped to the following places: 3 to Winnipeg, 2 to Québec, 2 to Montréal, 2 to Toronto, 1 to Hamilton and 1 to Collingwood. There were also exported 1 car of marsh hay to Toronto, 1 car scrap iron to Hamilton, 1 car of empty oils, and small shipments have been brisk. Mr. H. G. Boag shipped a stallion to the Toronto Horse Show. The imports include 4 cars of lumber and 1 of steel, besides a car of merchandise every day direct from Toronto. The railroad men are anticipating a new Time Table in a few days.

Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Newmarket



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