Wednesday, June 24, 1908 The Globe (Toronto) Page 9

Grand Trunk Railway continues to lead to Muskoka.

A number of changes in time took place Sunday [June 21, 1908], but the full Muskoka service of the Grand Trunk will be in effect Saturday next, and should please their old patrons. The 10.00 a.m. Muskoka ExpressThe G.T.Ry.'s Muskoka Express competed with the C.No.Ry.'s Lake Shore Express, which also departed Toronto at 10:00 am and connected with Muskoka Navigation Company steamers at Bala Park (arr. 1:40 pm) and Lake Joseph (arr. 2:30 pm); see advertisement., which has become so popular, will have direct connection at Muskoka Wharf (no waiting) with steamers. Commencing Saturday, June 27th, new trains will leave Toronto at 12.01 (noon)The 12:01 pm G.T.Ry. train competed with the C.P.R.'s 12:05 pm Muskoka Flyer, which connected with steamers at Bala., daily except Sunday, for Muskoka Wharf and Muskoka Lake points, Penetang and Georgian Bay points and Huntsville ad Lake of Bays points. This train will be up-to-date in every respect, will consist of handsome coaches, cafe-parlor and broiler-buffet car for Muskoka Wharf and Huntsville, and Pullman parlor car for Penetang. Connection is made at Muskoka Wharf with steamers for all Muskoka Lake points, at Penetang with steamer "Toronto" for Parry Sound, and intermediate points, and at Huntsville for Lake of Bays points.

Another very convenient trainC.P.Ry.'s Bala Sleeper, which commenced Friday, June 26, departed Toronto at 9:30 pm and allowed connection with the 7:00 am steamer at Bala. leaves Toronto at 2.00 a.m. daily (with sleeper open for occupancy at 9.30 p.m.) for Muskoka Wharf, Huntsville, North Bay, Temagami, Cobalt an Englehart. At Muskoka Wharf direct connection is made for all points on lakes. Tickets are good on any of these three trains, which give a very complete and convenient service.

Appears through Thursday, June 26, 1908.

Railways: C.O.Ry., C.P.Ry., G.T.Ry.

Stations: Muskoka Wharf



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