April 1902, No. 50 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 125, col. 3

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


The Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa Ry. Co. was voted the following subsidies at the recent session of the Ontario Legislature: from the junction with the G.T.R. near Kinmount to Irondale, 10 miles; from 35 miles east of Irondale, easterly for 10 miles; and from Palmers' Rapids easterly to Renfrew about 50 miles; in all about 70 miles at $3,000 a mile, $210,000. Of this $30,000 is a revote of subsidies previously voted but unearned. According the report of the Dominion Department of Railways for 1901, the Ontario Legislature had from time to time voted $165,000, (representing 55 miles at the usual rate of $3,000 a mile) in aid of the line, of which $105,000 representing 35 miles of construction at $3,000 a mile had been paid. The subsidy paid would, therefore, appear to cover the line constructed between Irondale, mileage 9 1/2 from the junction, and near Baptiste, mileage 45 from the junction. Of subsidies voted this year, the first will apparently cover the distance between the junction and Irondale; and from near Baptiste to about 5 miles beyond the present end of the track at Bancroft station, 2 1/4 miles from the village of that name. In 1898 a subsidy of $30,000 was voted for 10 miles easterly from 45 miles east of Irondale, which subsidy is apparently still available, and with the balance of the second 10 miles subsidized this year would carry the line 15 miles beyond the present track end. The Dominion Parliament voted $160,000 in respect of 50 miles of line at the rate of $3,200 a mile and of this $144,000 has been paid, in respect of 45 miles of line, leaving $16,000 unearned, but apparently still available, as it was revoted in 1897.

The I. B. and O. Ry. is in operation from a junction with the G.T.R., 2.30 miles north of Kinmount, 102.12 miles from Toronto on the line to Haliburton, to Bancroft station, 50 miles, situated at Mud Lake about 2 1/4 miles from Bancroft Village. Irondale, 9 1/2 miles from the junction, is the headquarters of the Co. The line passes through a good agricultural and timber country, a number of iron mines are being opened up, and a tourist trade is being developed. Bancroft, 554 inhabitants, is the most populous village, but the townships served by the line are fairly well populated. (Feb., pg. 57.)

Railways: G.T.Ry., I.B. & O.Ry.

Stations: Bancroft, Baptiste, Irondale, Kinmount



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