May 1905, No. 87 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 189

G.T.R. semi-annual meeting.


There has been a decrease of 26 miles in the length of lines worked, caused by the leasing of 13.22 miles of the Beauharnois Branch to the St. Lawrence and Adirondack Co., and the transfer to sidings of the Toronto Belt, 12.790 miles, Flos Tramway, 8.28 miles, and the Wharf Branch at Montréal, 4.29 miles, less increased mileage owing to sundry adjustments.


The doubling of the line between Hamilton and Sarnia has been completed from Hamilton to Lynden (14 miles), Brantford to Paris (7.80), and Paris to London (47.29) miles during the past half-year, and the double track between those places is now in use for traffic. It has been decided to continue doubling of the line on this division, and instructions have been given to proceed with the work between Kingscourt Junction and Komoka (27.43 miles) during the current year. On the completion of this section of the line, there will only remain about 30 miles of single track between Montréal and Chicago via Hamilton, a distance of 845 miles.


Reports of officials.

The Chief Engineer, after referring to the reduction in mileage and the progress of the second track work mentioned in the directors' report, reported that the expenditure during 1904 for maintenance of way and structures was $4,027,758.60 against $4,067,082.56 in 1903. The amount spent on the track or permanent way, for repairs of roadway, ballasting and ballast, clearing snow, renewals of rails and ties, including their proportion of the cost of superintendence, was $2,572,061.18 in 1904, being at the rate of $729.39 per mile; in 1903 the amount was $2,243,207.82, or at the rate of $629.76 per mile. The replacement of old obsolete iron bridges by steel structures is still in progress. New stations have been built at Coaticook, Danby, Bulstrode, St. Eulalie, Moulinette, Farran's Point, Kinmount, Uxbridge, Allandale, Nipissing Junction, Corson's, Brentwood, Perch, Beachville, Brantford, Hickson, Chesley, Wiarton, Blyth, Glencoe, Welland Junction, and Bridgeburg—22 stations in all. The materials used for renewals and repairs of main tracks and sidings were: New steel rails laid in track, 23,919 tons; partially-worn steel rails laid in branch lines and sidings, 26,188 tons; new ties placed in track, 1,333,921; ballast, 435,081 cubic yards.


Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Allandale, Beachville, Blyth, Brantford, Brentwood, Bridgeburg, Chesley, Corson's, Farran's Point, Glencoe, Hickson, Kinmount, Moulinette, Perch, Uxbridge, Welland Jct., Wiarton



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