February 1905, No. 84 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 73, col. 2

Electric railways

Projects, construction, development.


Toronto and York Radial Ry.—A station has been opened on the Metropolitan Division north of the C.P.R. track, Yonge St., Toronto. It is intended to provide stations at Richmond Hill, Aurora and Newmarket. A survey for the extension of the line from it present terminus at Newmarket to Jackson's Point on Lake Simcoe is being made by Jas. McDougall.

Track has been laid on the extension of the Scarboro Division from the Halfway House for about two miles, and track on the remaining three miles of the extension will be laid in the spring. The cars are being operated from Woodbine, Toronto, to the end of track on the extension. Negotiations which had been in progress with Whitby, Ont., for a franchise have been abandoned, the point of difference being the length of the franchise term, the company asking for a perpetual franchise. (Dec., 1904, Pg. 431.)

Railways: T. & Y.Rad.Ry.



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