October 1911, No. 164 The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 955, col. 3

Railway route plans approved.

The Minister of Railways has approved of the following route route plans:—

Algoma Central and Hudsons Bay Ry.—July 24—About 100 miles.

Campbellford, Lake Ontario and Western Ry. (C.P.R.)—July 24.4—From east of Cobourg to a connection with Ontario and Québec Ry. (C.P.R.) near Glen Tay, Ont.; about 109 miles.

Canadian Northern Ontario Ry. July 24. Revision of Sudbury-Port Arthur line; 10 miles.

Ottawa-French River line. Revision from Pembroke westerly; about 42 miles

Canadian Northern Ry.—July 24. Yorkton to Hudson Bay Junction, about 95 miles.

July 24.—Revision of Moose Jaw-Kindersley branch; about 25 miles.

Canadian Pacific Ry.—July 24. Asquith to Conquest; about 24 miles.

July 24.—Lauder to Boissevain; 33.5 miles.

July 24.—Wilkie to Anglia branch; 64 miles.

July 24.—Revision of Moose Jaw southwesterly line; 35 miles.

July 24.—Bassano to Irricana branch; 22 miles.

Grand Trunk Pacific Branch Lines Co.—July 24. Harte to Brandon; about 24 miles

July 24.—Entrance to Brandon; about 5.4 miles.

July 24.—Biggar-Calgary branch, a slight revision in tp. 31, ranges 23 and 24, west of 3rd meridian; about 10 miles.

Kettle Valley Ry.mdash;July 24.—Revision of Midway-Carmi branch; 46 miles.

Aug. 24.—Penticton towards Osprey Lake, first 5 miles from Penticton.

Lake Erie and Northern Ry.—July 24.—Brantford to Port Dover, about 35 miles.

Southern Central Pacific Ry.—July 24.—From sec. 20, tp. 10, r. 2, to near n.e. corner of sec. 20, tp. 7, r. 2, west of 5th meridian; 22.4 miles.

July 24.—From sec. 26, tp. 6, r. 1, west of 5th meridian to the international boundary near Coutts; 96.5 miles.

Railways: A.C. & H.B.Ry., C.L.O. & W.Ry., C.N.O.Ry., C.No.Ry., C.P.Ry., G.T.P.Ry., K.V.Ry., L.E. & N.Ry.



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