November 1941, No. 2 Upper Canada Railway Society Bulletin (Toronto) Page 2

News of members

It is with regret that the Society announces that Mr. Maurice Winston has resigned as Secretary. He will, however, remain a member of the Directorate and as such will continue to give the Society the benefit of his advice.

Mr. Winston is to be succeeded by Mr. Edward Bush. Wr. Bush's enthusiasm and genuine interest in the Society bode well for his success in this most important office.

Mr. F.H. (Joe) Howard was in Toronto on the week-end of November 8.

A lengthy letter from Mr. Andrew Merrilees was read at the meeting of November 7. Mr. Merrilees described a most interesting trip he made to the Maritime Provinces this summer. He gathered a great desl of information about same of the little-known roads of that region.



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