September 1912, No. 175 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 454, col. 3

Canadian Northern Railway construction, betterments, etc.


Canadian Northern Pacific Ry.—Twohy Bros., Spokane, Wash., have been given a sub-contract by the Northern Construction Co., and Cowan Construction Co., for 100 miles north from Kamloops, mileage 60 to 160.

The Premier of British Columbia returned to Vancouver, Aug. 2, after a trip over the line under construction as far east of Kamloops. He is reported as stating that 82 miles of the line easterly from Kamloops have been completed, and that the bridges are expected to be completed within a year. The whole of the line is under contract to the Yellowhead Pass, and construction is being progressed with almost throughout the whole mileage.

The branch line projected from Kamloops to Vernon, B.C., will be about 85 miles long; the extension from Vernon to Kelowna 30 miles, and the extension from Vernon to Lumby, 14 miles. It is being laid out as a steam line. Prospective contractors are inspecting the ground with a view of tendering, as soon as the location is completed, which are officially advised should be within a few weeks.

We are officially advised that no plans have yet been decided on for a comprehensive lay-out of the terminal yards at Port Mann, B.C. The Northern Construction Co. is grading and laying out such part of the yard as will be required in the immediate future. Meantime the rest of the lay-out is under consideration.

Recent press reports stated that the C.N.P.Ry. has acquired a railway running between New Westminster and Hazelmere, which would give a through line to New Westminster via Port Mann. We are advised, in this connection, that the company is negotiating with the Great Northern Ry. for acquiring the right-of-way of the old New Westminster Southern Ry. between Port Mann and Port Kells.

H. K. Wicksteed, Chief Engineer of Surveys for mackenzie, Mann & Co., arrived in Vancouver, July 30, and spent nearly three weeks inspecting the lines under construction, and in going over plans for the company's extensive development projects in the vicinity.

Press reports state that a contract has been let to Rigby and Marsden, Vancouver, for the building of eight steel bridges on the line east of Yale, B.C.

Railways: C.N.P.Ry.



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