January 1900 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 9, col. 1 |
Surveys, construction, betterment, etc.
Ontario & Rainy River.—On Jan 1. the ratepayers of Port Arthur almost unanimously passed a by-law granting the Co. $50,000 in 4% 3 year debentures, & exempted it for 21 years from general taxation, the Co. agreeing that it, or any company that is may become amalgamated with, will make Port Arthur its Lake Superior terminus, will build a station & general offices between Arthur & Bay street, will handle its freight traffic within a mile of Arthur St., & will build a round house, work shops, & a grain elevator with 1,000,000 bush. Capacity within 1 1/2 miles of Arthur St. The Co. purchased considerable of the water front necessary for the lake portion of its terminals, & will likely complete the balance very soon.
On Jan. 9 were informed as follows:—
Track has been laid west from Stanley 18 miles, & 10 1/2 miles have been ballasted. With the exception of two small cuts, which will be finished a week, 40 miles of grading are ready for the track, which we hope to get laid, & will if weather permits, before closing down for winter. For the next 40 miles grading is being done, & will be continued where practicable all winter, & this will be ready for track early next season.A Minnesota despatch says that the Minnesota & Ontario Bridge Co. has been incorporated with $300,000 capital to build an International bridge over the Rainy River for this line, that the bridge will be a mile long, will cost $200,000 & will be completed in a year, & that a bill of authorization is pending in the U.S. Congress.
Railways: O. & R.R.Ry.